Accessibility Recommendations

Web accessibility is all about offering an inclusive digital experience, making sure everyone can interact with our websites, regardless of any physical or situational disabilities. Think of compatibility with screen readers for people who are visually impaired, keyboard navigation for those who can’t use a mouse, and captions for any audio content for those who are hearing impaired. Following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) helps us make the digital space welcoming for everyone.

When creating guides in line with web accessibility principles, we strive to make our user communications easily accessible, embracing diverse abilities. We suggest that authors include descriptive labels and titles, and verify the colour contrast ratio to align with WCAG standards. Good colour contrast makes in-app messages clearer for assistive technologies.



• Feel free to use bold, italics, and capital letters, but remember less is more. Each serves a specific purpose.
• We advise against using underlines for emphasis, as users might mistake them for hyperlinks.
• When you’re using text within graphics, try to include that text in the step title or body as well.



Omniplex Guide supports colour-blind users by delivering content in various contrasts and themes. This helps users fully understand, interpret, and distinguish all the information on the screen. With Omniplex Guide, you can easily:
• Change the page launcher colour or icon in site settings.
• Adjust tooltip themes in site settings.
As a bonus, we’ve included a contrast checker in the theme designer. This handy tool helps you meet the colour contrast standards for the guide’s visual elements, boosting visibility and readability for all users.


Colour Dependency

It’s best not to depend solely on colour to convey meaning or importance. Information could be missed by colourblind individuals and those using screen readers.


Colour Contrast

Make sure there’s a good contrast between the font and the background to optimise readability and accessibility.



ALT Tags

Please add a descriptive Alt Text whenever you can. Assistive technologies read these out, offering a textual alternative to non-text content like videos or images. They’re especially useful for people who are blind and use a screen reader.


At Omniplex Learning, we’re here to help you enhance accessibility:

1. Develop your own best practices: Set up accessibility guidelines for content creators and designers.

2. Create accessible designs: Make it a priority to produce accessible themes and components.

3. Regular testing: Test guides and communications using screen readers and audit tools in preview and staging environments.

4. Embrace accessibility: Let’s all commit to keeping accessibility at the heart of everything we do, making sure all content and functionality are easy for everyone to use.