Guide pro

Take learning in the flow of work to the next level with Guide Pro from Omniplex Learning.

Our advanced digital adoption platform (DAP) allows you to deliver in-app guides, help, and support for employees when they really need it – in the flow of work.

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How does Guide Pro work?

Guide Pro enables learning in the flow of work with advanced in-app guidance. Fostering a dynamic learning experience and empowering users with enhanced workflow capabilities.


Craft highly interactive in-app guides for your cloud-based software. The platform allows for the creation of click actions, autofill steps, and hover-over steps for a more intuitive user experience.


Guide Pro guarantees real-time, accessible support directly within your software application. It offers spotlight and advanced anchoring features, giving your users a more focused and effective in-app guidance.


It’s not just a one-time setup tool, but a dynamic platform that evolves with you. With Guide Pro you can continuously improve and grow your user assistance, ensuring your support is always up-to-date and effective.

Why Guide Pro will
benefit your business

Increase engagement

Empower your employees to manage their own development and skill needs, improving user experience while reducing frustration. Trust your team to take control of their learning, guided by Guide Pro.

Boost task performance

Unfamiliarity with a system slows productivity, as well as leading to errors or cutting corners. Our real-time solution for software support can boost performance for your in-house and hybrid teams.

Manage productivity

Free up everyone’s time. You’re creating and delivering less training content while building up a library, your IT teams aren’t tied up with fire-fighting, and users learn in the flow of work.

See it in action

Guide Pro’s premium features

Our premium digital adoption platform, Guide Pro offers an enhanced range of features: perfect for the evolving organisation that needs advanced solutions.

Interactive Steps

With options like clicking on elements to auto progress to the next step, Guide Pro makes guides more interactive and easy to follow.


Shines a spotlight on the important information on the screen, guiding users attention to where it needs to be.


Anchors your guide steps to specific areas on the page. Even if you change the page layout, guides stay useful.

User Management

Manage your user accounts, optimise user experience and maintain compliance.

Form Validation

Ensures immediate and accurate validation of user inputs, providing instant feedback if any errors are detected.

Data Centre

Above all, the security of your data is a priority for us. All data is hosted on the Google Cloud Platform, located in the UK.


A streamlined onboarding journey, dedicated support and regular updates. We pride ourselves in taking care of our customers.

Multi-Language Support

Allows users to choose their preferred language for accessing support.

Book a demo

Interested in providing guidance and technology to support your applications?

Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch to organise your personalised demo of Guide Pro.