Empower your Jira journey with Omniplex Guide 

Are you grappling with the complexities of managing your Agile tooling ecosystem? Administering, reporting, and training can be formidable challenges.

Enter Omniplex Guide, the tool that empowers organisations to harness the full potential of their Jira platform.

Omniplex Guide steps in to simplify workflows, ensure precise data entry, and enhance both individual and organisational productivity. 

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Key challenges with Jira

Learning curve

Jira’s robust agile platform can be overwhelming for developers with demanding workloads.

Low adoption

Inadequate onboarding and training can result in underused Jira features and low ROI.

User experience

Complex software can hinder the user experience, making onboarding and training less effective.

Constant learning

In a swiftly evolving digital workplace, ongoing training becomes vital to keep up with changing workflows. 

Benefits of Omniplex Guide for Jira 

Unblock the full potential of Jira with Omniplex Guide 

Greater utilisation of the Jira platform

Target and promote underused features to optimise workflows.

Promotion of self-reliance

Cultivate a culture of proactive learning and independent problem-solving. 

Accelerated training

Personalized training boosts user adoption, ensuring your organization maximizes Jira benefits.

Reduced support costs

On-demand, always available help for users, eliminating the need for technical support intervention. 

Improved user experience

Guide’s in-app assistance streamlines the user experience, reducing frustration and cognitive load. 

Continuous learning

Enable ongoing training to ensure users stay proficient and productive in the ever-evolving digital workplace. 

Increased return on software investment

By accelerating training, reducing support costs, and promoting self-reliance, Guide maximises your Jira investment. 

Key Omniplex Guide features for Jira 

Explore the essential features that make Omniplex Guide indispensable for Jira users. 

Contextualised guidance

Access information on demand within Jira, reducing the reliance on external support. 

Form validation

Embed validation to guide users in completing fields accurately. 

Recommend guides

Create and link guidance for new workflows, prompting users to launch relevant guides when landing on the destination Jira page. 

Collaborative guide creation

Empower anyone in your organisation to create guides and contribute to user education, fostering collaborative knowledge-sharing. 

Step-by-step walkthroughs

Interactive tutorials teach users how to complete specific tasks and workflows in Jira, reducing the learning curve. 

Health check alerts

Keeping guidance up-to-date effortlessly. Monitor the status of your steps and receive advice on necessary updates to ensure optimal performance. 

Don’t let the challenges of Jira hinder your organisation’s progress. Omniplex Guide empowers your team to harness the full potential of this powerful platform, ensuring efficiency, productivity, and a higher return on your software investment.

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Create content in-house

You can write and publish CRM Guides from a central location. And individuals can also make their own Guides
and share them with others.

Low effort roll-out

Anybody can quickly and easily create content for Salesforce

Do it yourself

Requires no programming or development skills

Highly customisable

Tailor content to meet your specific Salesforce needs

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Omniplex Guide.

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