Effective onboarding is an important part of integrating new employees into an organisation. It goes beyond basic orientation to encompass a strategic approach to ensuring new hires understand their roles, responsibilities, and the company culture.

In fact, according to a survey by BambooHR, 69% of employees who have a negative onboarding experience are likely to look for a new job within the first year. Another by Gallup found that employees who are highly engaged in their work are 21% more productive and 25% more likely to recommend their employer to others.

Our guide provides an in-depth perspective on creating an effective onboarding checklist so you can optimise this process.

Why Onboarding Matters

Onboarding is not merely a box-checking exercise; it is the beginning of an employee’s journey. A well-structured onboarding process plays a pivotal role in shaping their professional experience, fostering engagement, and ultimately, contributing to the company’s success.

  • First impressions matter – A positive onboarding process creates a lasting impression. New hires feel valued and appreciated, fostering a mindset that sets the stage for long-term success.
  • Accelerating productivity – Effective onboarding gives people tools, knowledge, and connections to become productive more quickly.
  • Retention and morale – A thoughtful onboarding process demonstrates the organisation’s investment in its employees. Engaged employees are more productive and committed.
  • Cultural integration – Understanding the company’s values and ethos is essential for new staff members to effectively align with and contribute to the overall vision.
  • Consistency and clarity – A structured onboarding process ensures that all employees receive consistent information regarding their roles, expectations, and the company’s policies. New hires feel confident and empowered to navigate their new roles.

What is an Onboarding Checklist?

An onboarding checklist is a practical template used by organisations to smoothly integrate new employees into their roles. It’s a detailed guide that lists the actions needed for both the HR team and the new employee during the start of their employment. This checklist makes sure all important parts of the onboarding process are covered, including paperwork, company rules, training for the job, and getting to know the company culture.

The checklist is key in helping new employees get to know their job, the company, and their colleagues in a systematic way. It’s designed to make the transition smooth for new hires and helps them get off to a good start in their new roles.

What should you include in an onboarding checklist?

To ensure a comprehensive and efficient introduction to your organisation, your onboarding checklist should include the following key elements:

  • Pre-boarding preparation:
    • Personalised communications
    • Workspace setup
    • Digital onboarding process
    • Introduction to company culture
  • First day essentials:
    • Welcome and introduction protocol
    • company policy briefing
    • Office or virtual tour
    • Technical setup assistance
    • Mentorship programme introduction
  • First week engagement:
    • Role-specific training sessions
    • Managerial one-on-one meetings
    • Client/customer introduction (if applicable)
    • Initial project assignments
  • First month integration:
    • Ongoing progress check-ins
    • Additional training opportunities
    • Onboarding experience feedback
    • Formal performance review

The 5 C’s of Onboarding

The 5 C’s of onboarding, developed by onboarding expert Talya Bauer, provide a simple yet effective template for designing a comprehensive onboarding program that addresses essential aspects of a new employee’s journey.

1. Compliance:

Ensure that new hires are thoroughly informed about the company’s policies, legal requirements, and safety protocols. This includes providing clear guidelines on workplace conduct, data privacy regulations, and occupational health and safety procedures. Establishing clear expectations and boundaries from the outset helps new employees understand their rights and responsibilities, fostering a compliant and secure work environment.

2. Clarification:

Clarification aims to provide new employees with a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations. This involves outlining specific job duties, performance metrics, and any relevant training requirements. By emphasising role clarity, you equip new hires with the necessary information to reduce confusion and ambiguity, enabling them to confidently contribute to their teams from the start.

3. Culture:

Make sure you introduce new employees to the company’s unique values, norms, and traditions. This means sharing the company’s history, mission, and vision, as well as highlighting its approach to teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. By immersing new hires in the company’s culture, you foster a sense of belonging and alignment with the organisation’s ethos, contributing to long-term engagement and satisfaction.

4. Connection:

Building strong interpersonal relationships within the company is essential for a new employee’s integration and overall well-being. Your onboarding checklist should include activities and opportunities that promote connections, such as mentorship programs, team-building exercises, and social events. These initiatives create a supportive and collaborative environment, allowing new hires to form meaningful connections with colleagues and feel valued.

5. Check back:

Regular check-ins and feedback sessions should be a cornerstone of your onboarding process. This continuous support ensures that new hires are adjusting well, receiving the guidance they need, and making progress towards their goals. Provide opportunities for open communication and address any challenges or concerns they may be facing. Regular feedback helps new hires understand their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and feel supported in their professional development.

Customising Your Checklist for Remote and Hybrid Environments

In adapting onboarding for remote and hybrid environments, several key adjustments are necessary to ensure new hires feel integrated, informed, and engaged:

Virtual integration involves transitioning essential onboarding activities to a virtual format. This includes conducting interactive virtual meet-and-greets, online training sessions, and managing documentation digitally to build strong connections from the start.

Technology and tools: Remote and hybrid employees heavily depend on technology for communication and collaboration, so it’s important they have the necessary hardware, software, and know-how to use these tools effectively. This also includes access to troubleshooting resources to resolve any technical issues swiftly.

Communication and connection are key in fostering a sense of community. This can be achieved through regular virtual team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and informal digital hangouts. Encouraging remote employees to actively participate in virtual social events and team-building activities helps in making them feel part of the team and company culture.

Accessibility and flexibility are vital ways to recognise the diverse circumstances of remote workers. Making onboarding materials and sessions accessible asynchronously accommodates different time zones and work schedules.

Clear expectations and boundaries need to be established regarding work hours, availability, and communication preferences to maintain a healthy work-life balance in remote settings. Addressing challenges like distractions, isolation, and communication barriers is also important for providing support and guidance.

Feedback and continuous support, lastly, play a significant role. Regularly soliciting feedback on the onboarding process helps identify areas for improvement. Offering ongoing support, such as virtual mentorship, additional training resources, and access to a dedicated support team, ensures a successful transition for new hires in remote or hybrid work environments.

Final Thoughts

Effective onboarding is a strategic process that extends far beyond basic orientation, laying the foundation for an employee’s journey within your company.

To discover how the Omniplex Guide can support your onboarding process by maximising employee understanding and proficiency in your software applications, get in touch or book a free product tour.

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About the Author

Leena Randhawa
Head of Training
Leena Randhawa is the Head of Learning Solutions at Omniplex Learning, boasting over 11 years of extensive experience in Learning and Development (L&D). She heads a world-class Training Team with a specialised focus on training...
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